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  • Digitising the Real World 

Drone Mapping and Photogrammetry 

The presence of drone technology in aerial mapping and photogrammetry allows the delivery of high-quality data capture and mapping capabilities in a cost-effective manner. 

Additional operational costs associated with more traditional methods involving aircraft or satellite are no longer necessary. Our drones allow easy, safe and cost-effective surveys of site areas both small and large. 

Accurate Data

A single drone flight can produce vast amounts of measurements in a range of different file formats. 

Cost Effective

Capturing data is quicker than any land-based or traditional methods and requires less labour.   


Drones can access out-of-reach areas and challenging terrain without additional overhead or closures required.

Improved Safety

Implementing drones eliminate any need for human involvement minimising risk to staff. 

How Does Drone Mapping and Photogrammetry Work?

The first step is to send out an aerial drone to capture batches of high-resolution photos over a chosen area. The images are then overlapped to ensure the same point on the ground is visible from numerous photos and varying points of view. 

These images are then used to create a high-resolution 3D reconstruction. These reconstructions can contain elevation and height information as well as shape and texture for every point on the map. 

Photogrammetry is useful in a range of different industries to record, measure and identify complex areas. Aerial drone photogrammetry is cost-effective and flexible with its capabilities to capture high-quality data. 

No-obligation, free consultation

For any enquiries book a consultation to receive a free no-obligation consultation and learn more about how Taz Drone Solutions can start helping you today.